Marketing and Business Development Strategies Customized to Grow Your Law Firm

Find your true story and stand out from the competition

Discover your niche

Unlock your key messaging

Define your brand

Build your relationships and your audience

Cut through the clutter

Our Services

The full suite of marketing strategy, business development, branding, thought leadership, and social media guidance critical to your firm’s success

Results-oriented coaching designed to expand a lawyer’s book of business, convert contacts to clients, and provide the accountability necessary for success

Practical, interactive programs to foster critical skills for success in business development, branding, client retention, social media, pitch preparation, and more

Meet the Team

  • EJ Stern, MA, CPC

    Co-Founder, CMO

    EJ advises law firms and lawyers on how to effectively expand their business and generate greater revenue. She is recognized for her ability to quickly assess challenges and develop and implement solutions.

  • Katherine Wilson, JD

    Co-Founder, CMO

    Katherine enjoys helping clients exceed their business development and marketing goals and empowering both attorneys and marketing professionals with the tools they need to succeed.